A.K. Mountrakis


Mythic Musings Blog


A. K. Mountrakis

Writer, Weaver of Myth and Legend

Dreams whispered in the wind, family fables and secrets, legends truer than reality, ancient prophecies, and realms where myth and magic reign supreme….

Sound like your kind of place? Yeah, mine too. So don’t be shy. Grab a cup of tea, find a cozy nook, and join me in exploring the enchanting, the liminal, the fantastic. You never know what’s out there on the edges of your perception, through that hidden portal, in that sun dappled forest, or under that moon gilded bridge. Why don’t we find out?


A Book Beckons

It starts as these things sometimes do. Just a whisper at first. A rumor, really.  Yet overtime it grows to an inconsolable wailing. A gnawing compulsion. It refuses to be ignored. I try; I really do. I humor it at first, feed it some crumbs, then hurry to bury it, pretend it doesn’t exist lest someone find me out. Until

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